Thursday, February 13, 2014

Catalog Manager - point release upgrade

I tried to open OBIEE catalog manager using OBIEE client tools, but I get following error thrown back

Unable to conned to OracleBI Presentation Server. Please check if Presentation ServerfWebServer is running and URL is corredly typed http:fI< host>/analytics/saw.dll. {urn:f/ is not a valid service. Valid services are: (urn://}SAWSessionService,,{urn:f/}W ebCatalogService1(urn://}XmlViewService,(urn:// bservices/v6}SecuritySei-vice,(urn://}ConditionService,{urn://}HtmlViewService,{urn://}IBotService ,{urn://}JobManagementService,{urn:f/ Æ}MetadataService,{urn://}ReplicationService{urn://oracle.b i.webservicesfv6}ReportEditingService


Looks like even though its just a point release, yet we will  have to go through upgrade assistant utility (ua.bat) in order to move to new version. Note, this is not true for RPD version. When I open the RPD version, it pops open with no issues. When saving the RPD, it gives a message that you are upgrading version of the RPD file, and once upgraded, it cannot be opened in older version of AdminTool (which makes perfect sense. Anyways it’s a good idea to work on a copy of RPD file to revert back just in case).




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